Other Activities
As well as the sessions held in classrooms at Bishop Burton College, there are a variety of other activities that take place during the week.
Examples of previous activities are:
Tutors Concert
Taking place on Wednesday evening, this showcases the talent of all of our tutors in both solo and a variety of group combinations. From loop pedals to virtuosic harpsichord solos, this jam-packed concert presents the best of folk and early music.
Musical Banquet
The Thursday evening meal, with full waitress service, three courses and musical entertainment. The meal begins with musical hors d'oeuvres in the bar, followed by a wide variety of items from small groups performed between courses. It is a highlight of the course, and usually highly entertaining!
Final Concert
Rounding off the week on the Friday, with various groups performing for the other classes what they have been exploring during the week. At HISS, our focus is on process rather than product and so the final concert is an informal gathering to enjoy what everyone has been able to take part in during their time on the course.
Shorties are short (approx. 20 minutes) presentations given by participants or tutors.
Anyone can sign up to give one on any topic they choose (as long as it relates in some way to the course) and these will be timetabled into the week.
Previous shorties include; 'Ladies of Northumbria' in traditional song, ‘The Garden of Earthly Delights and the Hurdy-Gurdy’ and ‘Unearthing a torculus or two. Reflections on a fragment of medieval plainchant’.
Singing Walking Tours
Led by Vivien. Tours of this type have taken place in Beverley (assisted by a guide), around the grounds of Bishop Burton College (accompanied by the Head Gardener of the College) and in Hull.